Course details:
Duration 30 Min Code: 50120
This course teaches you to use the power of the Internet to better support customers during the sales process and to increase customer satisfaction. You will learn about personalization techniques that permit firms to offer highly customized and individualized products and services. You will learn how to implement personalization for your company and to calculate the value it produces. The course also explains how a company can use Web enhancements to increase customer retention and loyalty, and to improve its best practices. This course will take approximately 30 minutes to complete.
Customer Loyalty Improvement
Duration 45 Min Code: 50122
This course will provide employees and managers with a basic understanding of and tools for building customer loyalty. It covers basic principles and approaches to dealing with customers and creating loyal, repeat customers. This course will take approximately 45 minutes to complete.
Developing Strong Customer Relationships
Duration 60 Min Code: 50123
Your customers will make you or break you, and developing relationships is the bottom line. Find out how you can provide consistent and legendary customer service to maintain your competitive position. This course will take approximately 60 minutes to complete.
Handling Difficult Customers
Duration 60 Min Code: 50124
Today’s information-age customers are the most informed and demanding shoppers ever. For a service representative, meeting the demands of one of these savvy customers can be a customer service nightmare! Taking this course will wake you from the nightmare and show you how to calm angry customers and resolve their complaints while keeping your cool. This course will take approximately 60 minutes to complete.
Helping and Keeping Clients
Duration 30 Min Code: 50125
Each client that approaches you is looking to be helped in some way. If you are able to determine the needs of that client, you will likely be able to provide quality service. And once a client knows that you are committed to meeting their needs, they will likely continue to turn to you in the future, and you will have taken a significant step towards building a long-term and productive relationship. This course will take approximately 30 minutes to complete.
Providing Service Excellence
Duration 30 Min Code: 50127
The secret to really good service is to treat your customer the way you would want to be treated. So, why is it so hard to find in today’s world of business? In our new economy, with all the technological tools in our hands, customer service should be easy to deliver. But customer service cannot be fully automated; it has to happen with and between people. And, even though we know when we receive good customer service, it is hard to define or to quantify. In this course, we will look at the value of customer service and how to implement it in organizations. Customer service is a cornerstone of any business and every employee can make a difference. This course will take approximately 30 minutes to complete.
Practice Active Listening
Duration 30 Min Code: 50128
How often have you attended a meeting and walked away without a clear recollection of what was discussed? You might have heard what was being said, but you weren’t really listening. And that’s the problem. Active listening is a skill that few of us possess, but it is a skill that is worth learning because it will improve your ability to provide quality service to your customers. This course will help you improve your listening skills by explaining the difference between hearing and listening, and by outlining the steps involved in becoming an active listener. This course will take approximately 30 minutes to complete.
Duration45 Min Code: 50148
This course focuses on the products and services we use to keep our customers happy. You will explore a powerful concept or helping the institution expand its customer relationships – the Customer Pathway. Then you will learn about the language of features and benefits so that you can better communicate the value of the institution’s offerings. This course will take approximately 45 minutes to complete.
Meeting Customer Needs with Teamwork
Exceptional service requires more than just strong individual performance. Great customer service requires that we work as a team! As the title suggests, this course will help us sustain high-quality service across all departments, jobs and roles in our institution. We will start by discussing the importance of teamwork. Then we will examine the concept of continuous service. We will look at how to build better teams, and develop a model for making referrals within our institution. Finally, we will review the importance of supporting and reinforcing our customers’ decisions. This course will take approximately 30 minutes to complete.
Exceeding Customer Expectations
Duration 45Min Code: 50152
This course continues the emphasis on teamwork to provide exceptional service and respond to customer problems in a way that will increase customer loyalty and retention. Providing exceptional customer service is an ongoing process of uncovering and resolving problems. This is not a one-time event, but an ongoing journey. In other words, the new skills we have learned in this course need to become a habit for everyone in the institution. This course will take approximately 45 minutes to complete.